
Holiday Resources

Using Holidays to Teach!

Hidden within our Holidays are many, many teaching opportunties for such things as History, Safety, etc.  Check out the links below that go with some holidays, you may just be surprised how much you can learn from celebrating a holiday!

January Holidays
New Year's  (Jan. 1)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day (Jan. 12)
National Popcorn Day (Jan. 19)

April Holidays
World Health Day (April 7)
First Day of Spring (April 20)
Earth Day (April 22)
National Arbor Day (April 25)
Take our Daughter's and Son's To Work Day (April 28)

July Holidays
Independence Day (July 4)

October Holidays
Columbus Day (Oct. 10)
United Nation's Day (Oct. 24)

February Holidays

Black History Month

Ground Hog Day (Feb. 2)
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12)
**See Info and Activities to Celebrate our President's  in the President's Day links**
Valentine's Day (Feb. 14)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb. 17)
President's Day
George Washington's Birthday (Feb. 22)
**See Info and Activities to Celebrate our President's  in the President's Day links**

May Holidays
Law Day (May 1)
National Day of Prayer (May 5)
Cinco De Mayo (May 5)
Mother's Day
Armed Forces Day (May 21)
National Missing Children's Day (May 25)
Memorial Day (May 30)

August Holidays
Watermelon Day (Aug. 3)
Coast Guard Day (Aug. 4)
National Aviation Day (Aug. 19)

November Holidays
National Election Day (Nov. 2, every 4 years)
Veteran's Day (Nov. 11)
**See A Salute to Veterans in the Memorial Day Links**

March Holidays
St. Patrick's Day (March 17)
National Quilting Day (March 19)

June Holidays
D-Day Remembrance (June 6)
Flag Day (June 14)
Father's Day
First Day of Summer (June 21)
World War I Day (June 28)

September Holidays
Labor Day (Sept. 5)
Grandparent's Day
Mayflower Day (Sept. 16)
Citzenship Day (Sept. 17)
First Day of Autumn (Sept. 22)

December Holidays
Pearl Harbor Day (Dec. 7)
Human Rights Day (Dec. 10)
First Day of Winter (Dec. 21)
Christmas (Dec. 25)

The Olympics