
Language Arts
Social Studies

Kindergarten is a great time to allow your child's natural curiosity dominate their science curriculum. Let them
learn what interests them. I gurantee you that as they move along with social studies, math, reading, health, safety,
art, etc. their own natural curiosity about things will change. When a young child is able to study that which intersts
them, they desire to learn more. Why? Because it's fun. Think about it, if you were 5, would you rather
do something that is fun or something that is dull, boring, difficult, etc. They are growing minds, in small and often
very active bodies. Kindergartner's aren't really designed to sit still for lengthy periods of time. It's
just "unnatural" to them. So....for ideas for science, check the science page of this website. It covers just
about every topic imaginable, and the skill levels for activities varies. So, let your child lead the way, and
see what you can learn in science!