God's Way Homeschool: The online Journal of a Homeschool Family

A Home of Our Own
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Homeschool meets home building!!

September 3, 2006
Unlike a lot of my pages found within the navigation bar, this one isn't so much an article as a seperate "blog". 
My husband and I have talked extensively about out dissatisfaction with loosing our home, living with his family, etc.  Both of us are highly creative and artistic people.  Each one capable of complamenting the other in their abilities, ideas, etc.  And we have discussed for a very long time how "awesome" it would be to design and build our own home.
Well, cooler weather will soon be upon us, a great time for us to strip our old "battleship" of its useable materials such as windows, interior doors, plumbing fixtures, etc.  After that, it's time to build a small shed on the spot where we will eventually put our home.  In the shed, is where we will store our "recycled" materials.  And, the "shed" will become the center "storm room" of our home  *smile*  Currenly, I'm looking into "green building" which uses a lot of amazing techniqes, and is quite sturdy and sustainable, uses a lot of "salvaged" or "recycled materials, but tends to be a bit more "labor intensive" than conventional housing.  It also tends to have a much lower heating and cooling bill *smile*  So, in the long run, for us, it just simply "pays off".  Wish us luck, and I plan to fill you in on the details here (and hopefully include some photos too).

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God invented famlies, not public education. -Author Unknown

*All content, except for links dealing with hurricanes or other news stories, is my personal experiences, storys, and property*
Copyright 2006, Ali L